ASLR entropy
19 Sep 2019tldr; simple code for ASLR entropy measurements
For exploit development it may be necessary to do some brute-forcing of the target binary address space. Since I couldn’t find any short overwiew of ASLR entropy (which bits are constant etc), decided to write simple code to test it.
And here goes the results for 64 bit app:
# first line - "?" are random bits
# the plot - Y axis represents probability of nth bit being "1"
./aslr_stuff » time ./test_aslr ./main 50000
[+] Test runs performed: 50000
[+] test runs failed: 0
page type - const bits no. of random bits
code - 00000000000000000?0?0???????????????????????????????000000000000 33/64
| x x x
| x
| xx x x x x xxx xx xx x
| xx x xx x x xxxx x x x
| x
[heap] - 0000000000000000010101??????????????????????????????000000000000 30/64
| x x x
| x
| xx x x x x x xxx
| xx x xx x xxxxxxxxxxx x
| x
libc - 00000000000000000111111?????????????????????????????000000000000 29/64
| xxxxxxx
| x x x x xxx xx xx
| xx x x xx xxxxxxx x xxx
ld - 00000000000000000111111?????????????????????????????000000000000 29/64
| xxxxxxx
| x x x x xxx xx xxx x xx
| xx x x xx xxxx x x x
[stack] - 000000000000000001111111111111??????????????????????000000000000 22/64
| xxxxxxxxxxxxx
| xx x x x xxxxx
| x xxx xxx x xxxx
[vdso] - 00000000000000000111111?????????????????????????????000000000000 29/64
| xxxxxxxxxxxxx
| x
| xx
| xxx x x x xxxx x
| x xx xxx x x
[vvar] - 00000000000000000111111?????????????????????????????000000000000 29/64
| xxxxxxxxxxxxx
| x
| xx
| xxx x x xxx x
| x xx xxx xx x x
./test_aslr ./main 50000 29,50s user 10,70s system 59% cpu 1:07,81 total
And for 32-bit:
./aslr_stuff » time ./test_aslr ./main32 50000
[+] Test runs performed: 50000
[+] test runs failed: 0
page type - const bits no. of random bits
code - 0?0?0??00???????????000000000000 15/32
| x x xx x
| x
| xx x
| xxxx x
| x
[heap] - ??01????????????????000000000000 18/32
| x x
| xx
| x xx
| xx xxxxxxxx
| x
libc - 1??1011111??????????000000000000 12/32
|xxxx xxxxx
| x
| xx xx x
| x x x
ld - 1??1????????????????000000000000 18/32
|xxxx xxxxxx
| x
| x xx x
| xxx x
[stack] - ?111?111????????????000000000000 14/32
| x x x
| xxx x xxx x
[vdso] - ?1110111111?????????000000000000 10/32
|xxxx xxxxxx
| x
| x xxxx
| xxx
[vvar] - ?1110111111?????????000000000000 10/32
|xxxx xxxxxx
| x
| xx x
| xx xxx
./test_aslr ./main32 50000 29,62s user 10,42s system 59% cpu 1:07,77 total
The stack in 64-bit applications has only 22 bits of entropy. That gives 2^22 == 4194304 possible values.
Assuming that the stack is at least 0x25000 bytes big (default stack size on my system), we need to test only one of thirty-seven possible addresses (0x25000 / 0x1000 == 37). The amount of possibilities is reduced to about 113360 values.
How long it takes to brute-force stack address remotely?
In [1]: 113360 / 60. / 60.
Out[1]: 31.488888888888887
Thirty-one and half hour with one execution per second speed.
It seems that if you can make ten executions in a second, then bruteforcing is feasible enough for ctf problems.