
ASLR entropy

tldr; simple code for ASLR entropy measurements

For exploit development it may be necessary to do some brute-forcing of the target binary address space. Since I couldn’t find any short overwiew of ASLR entropy (which bits are constant etc), decided to write simple code to test it.

The code is here.

And here goes the results for 64 bit app:

# first line - "?" are random bits
# the plot   - Y axis represents probability of nth bit being "1"

./aslr_stuff » time ./test_aslr ./main 50000
[+] Test runs performed: 50000
[+] test runs failed:    0

page type -     const bits                                              no. of random bits
code      -     00000000000000000?0?0???????????????????????????????000000000000     33/64
               |                 x x x                                          
               |                       x                                        
               |                        xx  x x  x x xxx    xx xx x             
               |                          xx x xx x x   xxxx  x  x x            
               |                      x                                         

[heap]    -     0000000000000000010101??????????????????????????????000000000000     30/64
               |                 x x x                                          
               |                       x                                        
               |                        xx  x x  x x           x xxx            
               |                          xx x xx x xxxxxxxxxxx x               
               |                      x                                         

libc      -     00000000000000000111111?????????????????????????????000000000000     29/64
               |                 xxxxxxx                                        
               |                        x  x x x  xxx       xx xx               
               |                         xx x x xx   xxxxxxx  x  xxx            

ld        -     00000000000000000111111?????????????????????????????000000000000     29/64
               |                 xxxxxxx                                        
               |                        x  x x x  xxx    xx xxx x xx            
               |                         xx x x xx   xxxx  x   x x              

[stack]   -     000000000000000001111111111111??????????????????????000000000000     22/64
               |                 xxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  
               |                               xx   x   x x    xxxxx            
               |                              x  xxx xxx x xxxx                 

[vdso]    -     00000000000000000111111?????????????????????????????000000000000     29/64
               |                 xxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  
               |                                           x                    
               |                                            xx                  
               |                               xxx  x   x x   xxxx x            
               |                              x   xx xxx x        x             

[vvar]    -     00000000000000000111111?????????????????????????????000000000000     29/64
               |                 xxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  
               |                                           x                    
               |                                            xx                  
               |                               xxx  x   x     xxx x             
               |                              x   xx xxx xx      x x            

./test_aslr ./main 50000  29,50s user 10,70s system 59% cpu 1:07,81 total

And for 32-bit:

./aslr_stuff » time ./test_aslr ./main32 50000
[+] Test runs performed: 50000
[+] test runs failed:    0

page type -     const bits              no. of random bits
code      -     0?0?0??00???????????000000000000     15/32
               | x x xx  x                      
               |           x                    
               |            xx    x             
               |              xxxx x            
               |          x                     

[heap]    -     ??01????????????????000000000000     18/32
               | x x                            
               |     xx                         
               |       x  xx                    
               |        xx  xxxxxxxx            
               |    x                           

libc      -     1??1011111??????????000000000000     12/32
               |xxxx xxxxx                      
               |           x                    
               |            xx xx x             
               |              x  x x            

ld        -     1??1????????????????000000000000     18/32
               |xxxx xxxxxx                     
               |           x                    
               |            x   xx x            
               |             xxx  x             

[stack]   -     ?111?111????????????000000000000     14/32
               |            x x   x             
               |         xxx x xxx x            

[vdso]    -     ?1110111111?????????000000000000     10/32
               |xxxx xxxxxx                     
               |           x                    
               |            x   xxxx            
               |             xxx                

[vvar]    -     ?1110111111?????????000000000000     10/32
               |xxxx xxxxxx                     
               |           x                    
               |            xx  x               
               |              xx xxx            

./test_aslr ./main32 50000  29,62s user 10,42s system 59% cpu 1:07,77 total

The stack in 64-bit applications has only 22 bits of entropy. That gives 2^22 == 4194304 possible values.

Assuming that the stack is at least 0x25000 bytes big (default stack size on my system), we need to test only one of thirty-seven possible addresses (0x25000 / 0x1000 == 37). The amount of possibilities is reduced to about 113360 values.

How long it takes to brute-force stack address remotely?

In [1]: 113360 / 60. / 60.
Out[1]: 31.488888888888887

Thirty-one and half hour with one execution per second speed.

It seems that if you can make ten executions in a second, then bruteforcing is feasible enough for ctf problems.